Tag Archives: TL-922

Is that your beam, or are you just happy to hear me?

Time for a little update on my ham related acivities! I have not worked the ham bands from the home QTH lately. Work pressure and there’s also the club and the band needing my attention. Nevertheless, I am operating the club station PI4ZHE (almost) every Thursday evening and what a joy it has been lately! Conditions weren’t that great on most nights but I was still able to make lots of nice QSOs with many DXCCs behind Ye Olde Kenwood TS-870. We added a vintage Kenwood TL-922 amp to our shack (a story about that in a later post) feeding the 9 element Optibeam on top of the 100ft club tower. So, fantastic setup and 5/9s from just about everyone. I also enjoy the presence of my fellow club members, it’s a great electronics & ham radio club with lots of electronics projects and other activities going on. That said, I will try some CQDX behind the IC-7600 in the attic again soon to fill the void in my logbook, but on Thursdays look out for PI4ZHE on 20 and 15meters!

73s de PD2H