Tag Archives: hexbeam

Back on the Air!

My hexbeam suffered some serious damage from the storms early this year and had to take it down for a complete rebuild. Thanks to the service and fine materials of Ant MW0JZE the antenna is back on the tower as of today. I haven’t done any HF since the end of January besides operating the clubstation PI4ZHE so I’m glad to be back in business. The bands seem to be next to  “closed” today but scored a 5/9 QSO with Special event station RM55GC and closed the log after a nice 5/9+10 chat with Scotsman Paul EA5IKJ operating from Spain.

New DXCC #119 – Colombia

It has been quite a busy week so few hamradio activities lately.  Last night around midnight I worked several stations in the USA and also scored a new DXCC by QSO with Joaquin HK4NDF from Envigado, Colombia. Thanks for the 5/9 Joaquin. All the operators I worked with last night were using a hexbeam antenna btw! Excellent.