Rotor Control, the Easy Way

Today I added a computer interface to my Yaesu G450C rotator. There are several ways to accomplish this but after recommendation by my good friend Rico PA3BVK I went for Easy Rotor Control or ERC made by German company Schmidt Alba. I ordered the kit last week and it arrived only two days later. Anyone with reasonable soldering skills will build this neat little interface in an hour or so. The PCB is small enough to incorporate it in the rotor control box and I decided to put the board just above the main PCB in the G450C box. It’s the board with the 3 orange relays in the above picture. I drilled 4 holes in the back of the box, 2 for the included mounting brackets and 2 larger ones for the power and interface cable jacks. 5 wires needed to be connected to the internal wiring as decribed in the extensive documentation and thats really all there is to it. The controller comes with software for remote control and there’s also a program for guided calibration of the controller. It was a breeze really. The unit talks Yaesu GS232A or GS232B protocol so configuring in Ham Radio Deluxe took about a minute. A great kit, well documented and it comes with everything you need, including power and RS232 or USB cables. Highly recommended for lazy old men that want to point and click their antenna to the correct bearing. Just like me 😉