Tonight I put my new antenna tower to the test and started a CQ on 14.247 around 16.00 GMT and got a big pile up in return. Worked over 50 stations, including Jean FR5CB from Reunion Island, adding another new DXCC country to my list! I also had some very nice QSO’s with stations from Bahrain, South Africa, European Russia, Qatar, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Finland, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Poland, Austria and Israel. Most of them gave me a 9+ report and many compliments about my audio. After a one hour break I tuned across 20 meters and worked several nice DX stations including YB1KI from Indonesia. Then I joined the 247 DX net. Tonight the net was managed by YL Lorraine AA0BS and Joe KB3NXT and worked some American stations. A 5/9 from Tony VK2RI in Australia (16.738 kilometers) ended the DX evening. Thanks, new tower, and thanks to the several stations adding me to the cluster(s).
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Antenna maintenance, new tower
So I will be QRT for a few weeks. Next saturday I am going to remove my hex-beam for maintenance & reinforcement work. We had many stormy days over the past month, some of them 60mph+ and although the hex survived, it needs to be re-dressed a bit. The weekend after that I am going to raise my brand new powered 50 foot telescopic aluminium tower with the kind help of the guys from my club.
UPDATE: Mission accomplished see updated picture. Thanks to my friends from the club for helping me raising the mast!